Feature Article

Barrow's Scribes and MoA's hands: Scribal Identification in G.W.S. Barrow's Regesta Regum Scottorum II

Feature Article 8: Alice Taylor (Co-Investigator), in consultation with Teresa Webber (Co-Investigator)

The first major attempt to identify scribes of Scottish charters (of any kind) was in G.W.S. Barrow's Regesta Regum Scottorum II: The Acts of William I, 1165–1214 (Edinburgh University Press, 1971, with the collaboration of W.W. Scott). ...

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The Handwriting of Scottish Charters 1100-1250 in the National Library of Scotland

Feature Article 5: Tessa Webber

The Models of Authority project encompasses a period remarkable for the emergence of an extraordinary level of diversity in the appearance of the handwriting of charters issued both north and south of the Scottish border. The earliest surviving Scottish charters, which date from the ...

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