Charter: NRS GD55/225

Description (from People of Medieval Scotland)

A[…], rector of the church of ‘Balinclog’ (Clockston, AYR), makes known that since the monks of Melrose handed over the land of Barmuir (AYR) at ferme to seculars for up to ten years and the teinds of the same territory for that time may be applicable by common law to the church of ‘Balinclog’; on account of the legal case, the rector and his church have sold to the monks all the teinds of the said territory, producing up to ten years a certain sum of money which the monks shall pay at the same time to ‘Balinclog’. It was thus agreed between them that after the said ten years, as often as they shall give at ferme the said lands, the monks shall pay to ‘Balinclog’ one mark yearly for all teinds coming from there. =

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National Records of Scotland
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Catalogue Numbers
Melr. Lib. no. 225
PoMS Document 2/51/3
Text Date
25 March 1226 x 24 March 1227

People of Medieval Scotland (PoMS Document 2/51/3)

A[…], rector of the church of ‘Balinclog’ (Clockston, AYR), makes known that since the monks of Melrose handed over the land of Barmuir (AYR) at ferme to seculars for up to ten years and the teinds of the same territory for that time may be applicable by common law to the church of ‘Balinclog’; on account of the legal case, the rector and his church have sold to the monks all the teinds of the said territory, producing up to ten years a certain sum of money which the monks shall pay at the same time to ‘Balinclog’. It was thus agreed between them that after the said ten years, as often as they shall give at ferme the said lands, the monks shall pay to ‘Balinclog’ one mark yearly for all teinds coming from there. =

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