Charter: NRS GD55/256

Description (from People of Medieval Scotland)

Robert de Vere, earl of Oxford, has given, and granted, and made firm by this his present charter, to Melrose Abbey, in free, pure and perpetual alms, four acres of arable land in the territory of Old Roxburgh above ‘Twedeflat’ as they lie in one holding, as marked by stones on the boundaries, as perambulated by him and his worthy men. He made this donation at Melrose in the presence of the convent and many of his men and others and he offered a rod (virgam) on the high altar of the monastery. He wills and grants that the monks should hold these alms free from all earthly service and custom and secular exaction.

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National Records of Scotland
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Catalogue Numbers
Melr. Lib. no. 256
PoMS Document 3/24/1
Text Date
23 October 1214 x 25 October 1221

People of Medieval Scotland (PoMS Document 3/24/1)

Robert de Vere, earl of Oxford, has given, and granted, and made firm by this his present charter, to Melrose Abbey, in free, pure and perpetual alms, four acres of arable land in the territory of Old Roxburgh above ‘Twedeflat’ as they lie in one holding, as marked by stones on the boundaries, as perambulated by him and his worthy men. He made this donation at Melrose in the presence of the convent and many of his men and others and he offered a rod (virgam) on the high altar of the monastery. He wills and grants that the monks should hold these alms free from all earthly service and custom and secular exaction.

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