Charter: NLS Adv. MS 15.1.18, no. 65

Description (from People of Medieval Scotland)

Marjory Comyn, countess of Buchan, for St Andrews Priory; has granted church of Kennoway (FIF), as attested by charter of Merleswain son of Colbán and confirmations of his heirs

Current location

National Library of Scotland
Town or City
Adv. MS 15.1.18, no. 65

Other information

Catalogue Numbers
PoMS Document 3/12/23
St A. Lib. 253
Text Date
9 October 1211 x 1233

People of Medieval Scotland (PoMS Document 3/12/23)

Marjory Comyn, countess of Buchan, for St Andrews Priory; has granted church of Kennoway (FIF), as attested by charter of Merleswain son of Colbán and confirmations of his heirs