Settlement: DCA DCD Misc. Ch. 5959
Description (from People of Medieval Scotland)
H[erbert], abbot of Kelso, L[aurence], archdeacon of St Andrews and H[ugh], archdeacon of Glasgow, recite letters of Pope Gregory [IX] stating that Th[omas], knight, and J[uliana], his wife, stated in their complain that the priors of Durham and of Coldingham and their convents, and certain other clerks of the dioceses of St Andrews and Durham, are injuring them concerning certain lands, possessions and other things. By the authority of this letter, the judges have summoned the prior and convent of Durham, the prior and convent of Coldingham and David, vicar of the chapel of Stichill (ROX), so that they should respond to Thomas, knight, son of Randolph, and Juliana, his wife, and obey the law concerning 1 ploughgate of land in the territory of Stichill, from which ploughgate of land William del Bois, late chamberlain of Scotland held a half ploughgate with the chapel of Stichill, and with a toft pertaining to the same half ploughgate of land, and Walter of Paxton held the other half, with a toft, under an annual payment of a half stone of wax to be paid to the chapel of Stichill. The suit was settled whereby the said priors of Durham and Coldingham and David, vicar, granted, yielded and quitclaimed to Th[omas] and J[uliana] whatever was his right and the heritage of the said Juliana in that half ploughgate of land with toft which Walter of Paxton held from the chapel of Stichill and whatever right he has or could have. The said Th[omas] and J[uliana] granted and quitclaimed to the prior of Durham and to the chapel of Stichill whatever right they had in that half ploughgate of land with the tofts pertaining to it, which W[illiam] del Bois held with the chapel of Stichill, so that they shall have the said lands freely in pure and perpetual alms. They also granted to the prior of Durham and chapel of Stichill the furlong (‘culturam’) which he held of old on the east part of the villa of Stichill, with tofts and crofts which he held before on the west part of the same villa, excepting the toft which Walter of Paxton held.
Current location
- Repository
- Durham Cathedral Archives
- Town or City
- Durham
- Shelfmark
- DCD Misc. Ch. 5959
Other information
- Catalogue Numbers
- Med. Papal Reps. App. IV, no. 7
- PoMS Document 4/32/67
- Format
- Unspecified
- Text Date
- 28 May 1232 x 24 March 1238
People of Medieval Scotland (PoMS Document 4/32/67)
H[erbert], abbot of Kelso, L[aurence], archdeacon of St Andrews and H[ugh], archdeacon of Glasgow, recite letters of Pope Gregory [IX] stating that Th[omas], knight, and J[uliana], his wife, stated in their complain that the priors of Durham and of Coldingham and their convents, and certain other clerks of the dioceses of St Andrews and Durham, are injuring them concerning certain lands, possessions and other things. By the authority of this letter, the judges have summoned the prior and convent of Durham, the prior and convent of Coldingham and David, vicar of the chapel of Stichill (ROX), so that they should respond to Thomas, knight, son of Randolph, and Juliana, his wife, and obey the law concerning 1 ploughgate of land in the territory of Stichill, from which ploughgate of land William del Bois, late chamberlain of Scotland held a half ploughgate with the chapel of Stichill, and with a toft pertaining to the same half ploughgate of land, and Walter of Paxton held the other half, with a toft, under an annual payment of a half stone of wax to be paid to the chapel of Stichill. The suit was settled whereby the said priors of Durham and Coldingham and David, vicar, granted, yielded and quitclaimed to Th[omas] and J[uliana] whatever was his right and the heritage of the said Juliana in that half ploughgate of land with toft which Walter of Paxton held from the chapel of Stichill and whatever right he has or could have. The said Th[omas] and J[uliana] granted and quitclaimed to the prior of Durham and to the chapel of Stichill whatever right they had in that half ploughgate of land with the tofts pertaining to it, which W[illiam] del Bois held with the chapel of Stichill, so that they shall have the said lands freely in pure and perpetual alms. They also granted to the prior of Durham and chapel of Stichill the furlong (‘culturam’) which he held of old on the east part of the villa of Stichill, with tofts and crofts which he held before on the west part of the same villa, excepting the toft which Walter of Paxton held.