Charter: DCA DCD Misc. Ch. 1343

Description (from People of Medieval Scotland)

The prior and convent of St Andrews inspect and confirm the charter of Roger, bishop of St Andrews whereby the prior grants and confirms to the prior and convent of Durham all the above written churches with their chapels and pertinents, which they hold in the bishopric of St Andrews, for their own uses towards the sustenance of beggars.

Current location

Durham Cathedral Archives
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DCD Misc. Ch. 1343

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Catalogue Numbers
ND App., no. 468
PoMS Document 2/97/9
Text Date
1200 x 1207

People of Medieval Scotland (PoMS Document 2/97/9)

The prior and convent of St Andrews inspect and confirm the charter of Roger, bishop of St Andrews whereby the prior grants and confirms to the prior and convent of Durham all the above written churches with their chapels and pertinents, which they hold in the bishopric of St Andrews, for their own uses towards the sustenance of beggars.

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