Charter: DCA DCD Misc. Ch. 842
Description (from People of Medieval Scotland)
Adam, son of Cospatric of Little Reston, has given to William son of the Cantor and his heirs from Ada, Adam's daughter, two oxgangs of land in the territory of Little Reston, with one toft and croft, that is, those two oxgangs that Thurkil Ruffus held, with 12 d. per annum to be rendered on them. William shall give him for his forfeit 2 s., and 2 s. for his heriot.
Current location
- Repository
- Durham Cathedral Archives
- Town or City
- Durham
- Shelfmark
- DCD Misc. Ch. 842
Other information
- Catalogue Numbers
- ND App., no. 394
- PoMS Document 3/499/3
- Format
- Unspecified
- Text Date
- 1227 x March 12
People of Medieval Scotland (PoMS Document 3/499/3)
Adam, son of Cospatric of Little Reston, has given to William son of the Cantor and his heirs from Ada, Adam's daughter, two oxgangs of land in the territory of Little Reston, with one toft and croft, that is, those two oxgangs that Thurkil Ruffus held, with 12 d. per annum to be rendered on them. William shall give him for his forfeit 2 s., and 2 s. for his heriot.
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