Charter: NRS GD55/301

Description (from People of Medieval Scotland)

Robert son of Alexander of London has granted and made firm by this his present charter to Melrose Abbey, in free, pure and perpetual alms, that donation which his father made to them of their land seated in ‘Lekehalu’ (ROX?) which was given to Alexander by Walter de Burdon and Matilda, his wife, in exchange, as the charter of his father testifies.

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National Records of Scotland
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Catalogue Numbers
Melr. Lib. no. 301
PoMS Document 3/358/17
Text Date
1249 x

People of Medieval Scotland (PoMS Document 3/358/17)

Robert son of Alexander of London has granted and made firm by this his present charter to Melrose Abbey, in free, pure and perpetual alms, that donation which his father made to them of their land seated in ‘Lekehalu’ (ROX?) which was given to Alexander by Walter de Burdon and Matilda, his wife, in exchange, as the charter of his father testifies.

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