DigiPal VI: The Palaeography Awakens...

It's been a bit of a mixed bag of a summer. But at least there are some things on which we can rely. Like... Like? Like a referendum is only asking for trouble. Like "g" remains one of the most investigated letters in the palaeographer's alphabet. And that the people who brought you the internationally acclaimed DigPal I - Digipal V would not be able to resist the temptation to do it all again. And so, with the last in mind... the Models of Authority team are delighted to announce that the successor to DigiPal V, cunningly titled "DigiPal VI", will take place at King's College London on Monday 5th September 2016. Expect the usual mix of palaeography, mansucript studies and computer-assisted approaches to the aforementioned. 

The Symposium will run from 9.30am-7pm, with refreshments and lunch included. If you'd like to attend, then please register via Eventbrite. There's no charge for registration, but please do register so that we know how many we need to cater for.

Further details will be posted here soon, but in the meanwhile, please see the list of confirmed speakers below. 

Looking forward to seeing you in September,

Stewart Brookes and Peter Stokes

Confirmed speakers include:

Dauvit Broun

Emma Cayley

Peter Cornwell

Vincenzo Damiani

John Reuben Davies

Anna Dlabačová

Charles Farris

Tom Haines

Alison Hudson

Débora Marques de Matos

Adi Keinan-Schoonbaert

Erik Kwakkel

Giacomo Signore

Peter Stokes

Alice Taylor


Tessa Webber


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