London Medieval Manuscripts Programme, Spring 2016

The programme for the London Medieval Manuscripts Seminar for Spring 2016 is now out. Full details are available from the IES website (with additional details from a flier by Julia Crick), but here is a summary:

Venue: Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies (Senate House Library)
Time: 5:30pm, followed by a wine reception.

2 February 2016. Richard Sharpe (Wadham College Oxford). Edward O'Reilly's Irish Manuscripts: The Formation and Dispersal of a Collection, 1730–1860.

1 March 2016. Orietta da Rold (St John’s College Cambridge). Medieval paper and English cursive hands.

8 March 2016. Kylie Murray (Balliol College Oxford). A Fresh Look at Boethian Beginnings in Twelfth-Century Scotland: Prospects and Possibilities.

19 May 2016. Marc Smith (École nationale des chartes, Paris). Odd Inscriptions: Some Artisanal Interpretations of the Roman Alphabet.

In addition to this, the John Coffin Lecture this year will be on 11 May 2016, by Daniel Wakelin, Jeremy Griffiths Professor of Palaeography, University of Oxford: 'Let me slip into something less comfortable': Gothic textualis by accident and design. All are welcome to all of these events, and I hope to see some of you there.


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